Monday, January 6, 2014

It's Me Again!

I decided to play hooky today (oops) because I just felt like I needed a chill out day. Not that I'm under a lot of stress or anything, but it was just one of those days. I feel like even when I have days off I'm always planning to do stuff and I never really have time to just chill out and do my own thing. So what did I decide to do on my day off? I decided to go through with my plan to deep clean my room. Yep, that happened. And my room actually looks worse now than it did before. I also finally got my ass on my treadmill today, hooray! I ran around 2.6k in 23 minutes, including warm up and cool down. What's that? You can walk faster than that? That's okay, considering the fact that I've been putting off working out for a LONG time, I'd say that's pretty a-freaking-mazing. 

Wow, two blog posts in one week. I am on a roll! 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hello, 2014

Wow, for someone who kept blabbing about wanting to keep a blog and was willing to PAY for a domain name, I really suck at keeping up a blog. I keep going back and forth between wanting to and not wanting to keep a blog. So I guess for now, I'll just sporadically update this until I get enough momentum/motivation to want to update more frequently.

The holidays have come and gone by SO quickly. I cannot believe how fast this year went by. 2013 was a pretty big year for me: I graduated school, moved back home, attempted to find a real adult job, failed at that, had to re-evaluate my goals, working at my first part-time job, and realizing that I am slowly becoming an adult! Although, I don't think real adults are this conscious about their adultness. So when the New Year rolled around and everyone started talking about resolutions, I couldn't help but think about mine. I have always thought that resolutions shouldn't be just for the New Year, and that we should always take the time to try to improve ourselves. But this year I decided to join the bandwagon, because, well, why not?

My first immediate project for the New Year is to DEEP clean my room. I feel like my room is always somewhat messy and is never really organized. So I am going to finally get around to cleaning it. The thing is, I HATE throwing stuff out. It's not because I have sort of sentimental attachment to it, it's because I envision my garbage contributing to the mounds of waste sitting in landfills. It makes me feel bad. As for the rest of my 2014 goals, they are pretty similar to everyone else's: be healthy, work towards career goals, and be happier/less stressed. I also want to take more pictures. I used to love taking pictures in high school, but for some reason stopped while I was in university. Possibly because I gained a ton of weight and thought I looked hideous in pictures.

Maybe I should use this blog as a tool to keep track of my 2014 goals...