Saturday, September 7, 2013


It's back to school season! I feel so nostalgic about school since this is my first year of not going back. It's weird and uncertain and I just wish I can partake in all the going back to school rituals. But since little Natalie is entering grade 1 this year, I can live vicariously through her. I actually got pretty excited when she came home the first day and showed me her very first school agenda! To make things even more exciting, we hit up Wal-Mart that night and it was like a madhouse, filled with back-to-schoolers rushing to get last minute supplies. Since I had to be involved in all the craziness, I appointed myself with the job of making Nat's lunches. Except... it's been pretty difficult coming up with ideas. I have very specific criteria:
1. It can't contain nuts
2. It can't contain eggs (I think no visible eggs, not too sure on this one)
3. It can't contain cheese
4. It can't contain heavily processed items with additives/preservatives - aka lunch meats, breads
5. It has to be healthy
6. And most importantly, Natalie has to like it!

I've been on Pinterest and Foodgawker searching for ideas and I've found lots of lunches that are nicely put together, but there's always something in them that doesn't fit into the criteria. Let's be honest, no kid is going to want to eat a salad for lunch.

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